An example of the brilliant, peaceful but eerie feel of Akira’s Music.

Video  —  Posted: December 20, 2011 in Uncategorized

Every Wonder what makes a Heavy Metal concert so special?

The Intensity.


Its a circle of fueled rage.


Heavy Metal has gained worldwide fame and infamy for being evil, with some critics calling it disgusting and dangerous. Stating that it is an unsophisticated form of music, for an unsophisticated group of people.

Then how is a genre that is so hated have an avid following of millions worldwide? I’d like to share a few things about this very very special form of music media – The beauty of Metal.



Above is a video of the infamous trial between Dee Snider of twisted sister and Tipper Gore and the PMRC.


THE MEDIUM IS THE MESSAGE – no electric guitar, no metal.

Why does heavy Metal sound so different from other genres that use the electric guitar also?

The secret is not with the instruments, but rather, the sound; and therefore the atmosphere the sound portrays.






Heavy Metal is an advancement in music far beyond the life of Marshall Mcluhan, but although his theories help explain a few things, they cannot comprehend nor can they fully explain the power behind heavy metal.



Video clips taken from Metal: A Headbanger’s Journey

We look at the present through a rearview mirror. We march backwards into the future.  – Marshall Mcluhan

We may not notice it but our lives are filled with semiotics; subconscious messages  and meanings interpreted by our brains. But with a world that is advancing at such an alarming rate, why is the search bar in your internet browser still showing a magnifying glass?

It is with this, i ask, do you realize media is advancing in general using techniques or technology that may seem outdated? I mean just look at all the reboots in the cinema now days.

Heavy Metal bands are finding fame using elements from their own cultural history and roots:


Philosoraptor. Just for fun.

Posted: August 24, 2011 in Uncategorized

Does it?

New Forms of Media

Posted: August 24, 2011 in Uncategorized

Interaction from the audience. Interaction means more participation from the audience in order to fully appreciate the media; imagine how this would have gone down, if the audience decided not to sing along?

Experimentation leads to discovery, discovery of new media and discovery of new ways to express yourself.

Sometimes you just need to let go and have fun, enjoy yourself in order to entertain others:

The World is a Global Village

Posted: August 24, 2011 in Uncategorized

The Idea behind this, is that technology today has become an extension of our very beings, cars extend our legs, telephones extend our mouths…
We are constantly connect thanks to the implementation of modern internet advancements.

We are never out of touch.

We are never without the knowledge to do what we need to do.

We are never without compromise.

We are one.

Of man and media

Posted: August 23, 2011 in Uncategorized

We become what we behold. We shape our tools and then our tools shape us.
– Marshall McLuhan


Marshall Mcluhan was a man of many ideas, one of his most prominent was his idea of hot and cool media.

Marshall McLuhan coined the term Hot and Cool media when he divided media into two distinct categories:  A hot medium is one that extends one single sense in “high definition.” High definition is the state of being well filled with data. A photograph is, visually, “high definition.” A cartoon is “low definition,” simply because very little visual information is provided. Speech is a cool medium of low definition, because so little is given and so much has to be filled in by the listener. Hot media are, therefore, low in participation, and cool media are high in participation/completion by the audience. Therefore a hot medium like radio has very different effects on the user from a cool medium like the telephone.


But what about today?

In this modern age the line between ‘Hot’ and ‘cool’ media is beginning to blur; when television came out it could be considered ‘cool’ since you could interact with which channel you could watch, however you were still forced to watch whatever show was playing. Thanks to the internet, users can watch whatever they want, wherever they want, however they want. And music is being allowed to develop and grow outside of the norm of radio and television.


Will Mcluhan’s Ideas still be relevant 20 years from now?

The Game – of media.

Posted: July 13, 2011 in Uncategorized

What do you know of Media?

Is it something we experience every day? For all that you know Media is what you see on television, on the internet, in everyday life.

Media cannot be confined to such stringent conformism, Who’s to say that television itself is not media? That your computer is not Media?

Thank you for viewing my blog – i shall take you on a journey of discovery and recognition. With a nihilistic disregard for your own sanity. We are ghosts of this concrete world, enjoy your stay.